Sunday, June 30, 2024

State AI: A Government That Works for You

State AI: A Government That Works for You 

Imagine a world where governance is not driven by politicians but by an advanced AI system. This concept, which we'll call "State AI", represents a radical reimagining of how societies could be managed in the future.

Core Concept 

Here's the essence of State AI:

  1. Replace traditional government structures (politicians, bureaucracies, agencies) with a sophisticated AI system.
  2. Citizens vote solely on their values, preferences, and desired outcomes.
  3. The State AI then works to:
    1. Implement policies
    2. Utilize the country's natural resources to create free products and service
    3. Achieve these citizen-defined goals optimally

This innovative approach could lead to:

  • More consistent and efficient governance
  • Elimination of corruption and self-interest in policy-making
  • Data-driven, objective decision-making instead of political maneuvering
While this concept may seem controversial or even unsettling at first glance, its gradual introduction could revolutionize our approach to governance and societal management.

Implementation Phases

The implementation of State AI could be approached in phases:

  1. First, use it only as an advisor/oracle, giving advice on how to run the country to maximize citizens' values/preferences

  2. Then, later, give it limited power to implement some decisions

  3. Finally, transition to full AI governance, where the AI system manages most aspects of governance while still incorporating human oversight and input on key decisions

This gradual approach could potentially solve many issues in current political systems while allowing for careful testing and adjustment.

State AI as a Nurturing Force 

State AI can be seen as a machine that takes care of us, similar to how natural systems sustain life on Earth:

  • The sun generates energy that powers our planet and all life on it. It's a machine. We don't pay for the sun's services.
  • Earth has produced natural resources for millions of years that we now use. We don't pay for Earth's services.
  • The atmosphere produces oxygen that we breathe. We don't pay for Atmoshpere's services.

In a sense, we can return to our hunter-and-gatherer roots, where we exploited the natural surroundings, except this time, it will be a more advanced AI-driven surrounding.

This perspective frames State AI not just as a governing system, but as a nurturing force designed to support and sustain human flourishing on a societal scale.

Future Work 

As we develop the State AI concept, we'll explore several radical ideas:

  1. Citizens as Shareholders: A model where citizens are true stakeholders of the State AI, not subjects of it.

  2. Elimination of Traditional Taxation: Exploring funding of public services without conventional taxes. This could involve the State AI directly managing resources and production to provide services, eliminating the need for monetary taxation.

  3. Coexistence with Capitalism: How State AI could provide for basic needs while allowing for private enterprise.

  4. AI-Driven Management of Natural Resources: Efficient use of a nation's resources to produce goods and services without human labor.

  5. Global Citizenship and AI Choice: A system where individuals can freely choose their preferred State AI, regardless of location.

  6. Space Colonization: For those dissatisfied with Earth-bound State AIs, we'll explore the potential for establishing new AI-governed states in space. This could offer unprecedented freedom in governance models and ways of life.

Thank you for reading this!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What Makes A Resilient Civilization?

This blog post builds upon the ideas presented in the Society for Resilient Civilization (res/civ) Manifesto. Rooted in technological optimism, the proposed Society is set to address the complexity of building long-term societal resilience, and explore effective strategies and tools in the age of AI.

In this post we outline one of the many possible ways to unpack the question, what makes a resilient civilization? Taking up a role of a hypothetical designer/programmer, one could think of several design elements and principles:

1. res/civ as a “Programmatic Civilization”:

  • Viewing civilization as a systematic framework that supports growth and experimentation. 
  • Introducing “stable” and “experimental branches” with continuous feedback loops to safely test new models and policies.

2. Critical pillars of a resilient civilization:

  • Optimism: Cultivating a culture of optimism and positive thinking is crucial. A resilient society avoids fear and pessimism to maintain a forward-looking perspective.
  • Growth: Sustainable growth that considers societal well-being and maximizes future options is essential for resilience.
  • Robust Experimentation: Establishing a safe environment for experimentation and innovation promotes diversity and adaptability—key traits of resilience.
  • Strong People: Encouraging individual autonomy and continuous self-improvement, the foundations for societal resilience.
  • Strong Leaders: Focus on developing leadership and personal integrity, together with tools and metrics for accountability and power balance.
  • Decentralized Structure: A decentralized organizational structure allows for diverse approaches to adopting and implementing core values, and most importantly allows breathing room for the values to evolve.

3. Resilience metrics. Important considerations for testing new regulations and policies include:

  • How well does the policy prepare society for future challenges?
  • Does it help preserve or increase future possibilities (e.g. strikes a balance between diversification and convergence)?

4. Addressing existential threats and societal issues:

  • De-growth and AI doom-ism: fear mongering should be battled with rational discussion about both risks and benefits, and a proactive approach should be taken to leverage the maximum benefits of AI and other technologies.
  • Climate, Dept, and Democracy Crises: Environmental and economic policies must promote resilient growth, and avoid power monopolies to prevent instability and one-sided solutions.

5. Collaboration with initiatives that share similar goals:

6. Scaling and Education.

  • Engaging broader audiences through active conversation, publications, and podcasts, using clear and relatable language.

By focusing on maximizing future options, enabling safe experimentation, and managing risks through technology and ethics, societies can build and maintain resilience.

When it comes to AI as a number one candidate to the societies’ soon-to-be strongest propelling force: in our view, banning, over-regulating, or limiting AI or any technology isn’t a sustainable, nor favorable, strategy. Instead, maximal effort should be put towards building beneficial initiatives, AI tools and inventions, therefore creating a robust ecosystem which will be able to withstand the negative outliers that will naturally occur.

We look forward to further discussing the building blocks of resilient societies, and we encourage you to engage with us on our social channels and voice your ideas and comments.

Thank you for reading this blog!


Marek Rosa
CEO, Creative Director, Founder at Keen Software House
CEO, CTO, Founder at GoodAI

Personal bio:

Marek Rosa is the founder and CEO of GoodAI, a general artificial intelligence R&D company, and Keen Software House, an independent game development studio, started in 2010, and best known for its best-seller Space Engineers (over 5 million copies sold). Space Engineers has the 4th largest Workshop on Steam with over 500K mods, ships, stations, worlds, and more!

Marek has been interested in game development and artificial intelligence since childhood. He started his career as a programmer and later transitioned to a leadership role. After the success of Keen Software House titles, Marek was able to fund GoodAI in 2014 with a $10 Million personal investment.

Both companies now have over 100 engineers, researchers, artists, and game developers.

Marek's primary focus includes Space Engineers, the VRAGE3 engine, the AI People game, long-term memory systems (LTM), an LLM-powered personal assistant with LTM named Charlie Mnemonic, and the Groundstation.

GoodAI's mission is to develop AGI - as fast as possible - to help humanity and understand the universe. One of the commercial stepping stones is the "AI People" game, which features LLM-driven AI NPCs. These NPCs are grounded in the game world, interacting dynamically with the game environment and with other NPCs, and they possess long-term memory and developing personalities. GoodAI also works on autonomous agents that can self-improve and solve any task that a human can.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Major Charlie Mnemonic update released!

We are announcing major updates for Charlie Mnemonic, your AI assistant with Long-Term Memory that's getting smarter and more capable every day. We've been working hard to integrate new features and improve existing ones, and we are excited to share these updates with you.

What's New?

  • Gmail Integration: Charlie can now seamlessly integrate with Gmail, allowing you to manage your emails more efficiently.
  • Google Calendar Integration: Schedule and manage your events directly through Charlie with the new Google Calendar integration.
  • Ollama Support: We've added support for Ollama, you can now run your local Llama 3, Phi 3, Mistral, Gemma, and other models. Thanks @PriNova for this fantastic contribution.
  • Memory Explorer: A new feature that lets you explore Charlie's memory, making it easier to retrieve and manage information (WIP).
  • Multiple File Uploads: You can now upload multiple files at once and let Charlie analyze and answer questions about them.
  • Custom System Prompt: Customize Charlie's system prompt to suit your needs. 
  • Stoic Mentor: We've included a new personality, a stoic mentor. You can enable the Stoic Mentor personality by going to the Settings Menu and changing the system prompt to the ‘Stoic’ preset. The agent will be prompted to help you navigate through life, find clarity and resilience through thoughtful conversation. Your feedback to this new personality, and how it may be improved, is highly appreciated!
  • Bug Fixes and QoL Additions: We've squashed several bugs and added quality-of-life features to make your experience smoother and more enjoyable.

Demonstration of Charlie's new features in action

Analyzing and Redrawing a Picture, Sending a Mail + Calendar Invite 

Here you can see Charlie retrieving the name and email of ‘the boss’ from the memories

Sending an Email with Personal Details from Memory

Charlie fetches some personal details to include in the email

Uploading a Video and Extracting Frames

Charlie got thought to extract frames from a video to analyze it

The Memory Explorer

Use the memory explorer to read, edit or delete memories

Custom System Prompt

Personalize your responses with a custom system prompt

Stoic Personality

Tired of long numbered lists and impersonal advice? Try the Stoic personality!


Why Email and Calendar Integration?

We believe that Charlie's ability to access and utilize your data is crucial for helping you complete tasks efficiently. Email and calendar are fundamental tools for managing our daily lives. By integrating these with Charlie, we aim to create a more cohesive and efficient experience. Imagine being able to schedule meetings, send follow-up emails, and manage your tasks all through a single interface. This integration is a step towards making Charlie an indispensable assistant in your daily routine.

Continuous Improvement and Community Feedback

Many of these features are still in their early stages, and we are continuously working to improve them. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us, as it helps us understand what works and what needs improvement. Expect regular updates as we refine these features and add new ones based on your suggestions.

Contribute and Make Charlie Better

We're always looking to improve and expand Charlie's capabilities. If you're passionate about AI and have ideas or skills to contribute, we'd love to hear from you. Your input and support can help us make Charlie even better. Feel free to post pull requests with better features, bug fixes, or code optimizations. Every contribution, big or small, is greatly appreciated.

The Importance of Data Access

By integrating even more with live updates and notifications, we aim to create a generative interface that handles all your needs seamlessly. While we have some of these features ready as prototypes, they still need proper implementation and testing before we can release them. 

Stay tuned for more updates!

Thank you for reading this blog!


Marek Rosa
CEO, Creative Director, Founder at Keen Software House
CEO, CTO, Founder at GoodAI


For more news:
GoodAI Discord:
Space Engineers:
Keen Software House:
VRAGE Engine:
Personal Blog:


Personal bio:

Marek Rosa is the founder and CEO of GoodAI, a general artificial intelligence R&D company, and Keen Software House, an independent game development studio, started in 2010, and best known for its best-seller Space Engineers (over 5 million copies sold). Space Engineers has the 4th largest Workshop on Steam with over 500K mods, ships, stations, worlds, and more!

Marek has been interested in game development and artificial intelligence since childhood. He started his career as a programmer and later transitioned to a leadership role. After the success of Keen Software House titles, Marek was able to fund GoodAI in 2014 with a $10 Million personal investment.

Both companies now have over 100 engineers, researchers, artists, and game developers.

Marek's primary focus includes Space Engineers, the VRAGE3 engine, the AI People game, long-term memory systems (LTM), an LLM-powered personal assistant with LTM named Charlie Mnemonic, and the Groundstation.

GoodAI's mission is to develop AGI - as fast as possible - to help humanity and understand the universe. One of the commercial stepping stones is the "AI People" game, which features LLM-driven AI NPCs. These NPCs are grounded in the game world, interacting dynamically with the game environment and with other NPCs, and they possess long-term memory and developing personalities. GoodAI also works on autonomous agents that can self-improve and solve any task that a human can.