Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Space Engineers: Heavy Industry


  • Introducing the industrial theme
  • Magnetic plates, Beam Blocks
  • Industrial conveyor pipes, Cylindrical Columns
  • Vertical button panel, Warning Signs and more
  • New skins and LCD images


Hello, Engineers! 

“When war calls, industry answers.”

The next Major (1.199) release for Space Engineers is upon us. Heavy Industry Introduces a whole new vision of industry in Space Engineers! A reimagining of industrial might, from lunar mining site to factory floor; smelting, refining, and mass production never looked so good.

This massive update is one of our biggest! Including DLC, Heavy Industry adds nearly 100 new blocks and block variants to Space Engineers! We hope you enjoy exploring Heavy Industry as much as we did creating it.



Free Content

With this release, we are expanding the number of blocks, introducing new gameplay features, and expanding your creative tools! 

You can find a complete list of all free game content below. We are also offering you the opportunity to support the continued development of Space Engineers by buying the Heavy Industry DLC, which includes even more thematic additions to Space Engineers!

Armor Panel Blocks - Sheath your cruiser in armor or frame out an interior, when space is at a premium. Introducing 16 shapes, heavy & light armor variants, small and large grid versions. Expand your creative options with 64 new blocks!

Small grid merge block - A 0.5, small grid merge block. Handy for a spare tire, PMW, or modular cargo.

Magnetic plate - Heavy industrial Magnetic Plate, Large and Small grid versions. Allows for surface locking, similar to the landing gear. Useful for cranes, mecha, or custom landing gear.

Propaganda Poster LCD images - The war effort continues! When war calls, industry answers!

Scenario “Pertam Orbiter”- Positioned high above the scorching deserts of Pertam, this asteroid outpost is fully fitted for an excursion to the surface or exploration of the nearby asteroid field. 

Take advantage of the provided manufacturing facilities or strike out! Investigate this tiny industrial complex and explore the nearly 100 new blocks and block variants included in the “Heavy Industry” update & DLC.

Improved Default Behavior - Brake toggle

Why did we change it?

The default behavior for the parking brake meant that any time it was triggered ALL grids attached via connectors, or landing gear, or parked wheels, would toggle. This could cause unexpected behavior and often resulted in a great deal of clang. 

What's new?

This update improves this behavior by adding a toggle option to connectors, landing gear, and wheels that will allow you to ignore the Parking Brake functionality. Additionally, parking behavior has been streamlined and unified, allowing you to trigger parking actions on cockpits using timers, etc.

Improved Default Behavior - Power toggle

Why did we change it?

The default behavior for toggling power had the undesired effect of impacting all grids, subgrids, and connected (connector) grids. This made it very hard to control large or complex constructions and was especially problematic when landing at a charging station or base. Default behavior made the simple action of docking overly complex.

What's new?

Several changes are being made to improve the behavior of the power toggle. Docking, subgrids, and alternative power supply configurations should now all operate in a much more intuitive manner.

  • The current functionality of pressing Y has been remapped to CTRL + Y (and RB + dpad-left).
  • Pressing Y will only affect the current grid and no longer toggle power off on any sub-grids.
  • By default connectors on the current grid do not transfer any power when power has been toggled off with Y.
  • This new functionality can be overridden with a setting in the connector.
  • Connectors no longer require any power themselves to function. This will allow you to connect to a rover that ran out of battery power, for example. This should aid in recovery and salvage operations.

Community Collaboration

We would like to thank you, our community, for your continued support, collaboration and inspiration. You feed our “Need to Create”.

A very special thank you to...

...and so many others that have, and continue to, inspire us with their creativity, ingenuity, and passion. 

Sounds of Space Engineers - Music Update

We want to thank everyone who made a submission to the Music Contest “Sounds of Space Engineers”. Included in the free portion of today's update, we have incorporated all of the winning contest tracks! Crank up the Jukebox and have a listen! Tracks are listed by title. You can find the artists, and a complete track list, in the game credits.

  • Sands of the Slave Princess - Windflower Falls
  • Space Pirates - Bart Zeal & Ruben Isarin
  • The City Lies - Exelan
  • SpaceItOut - SWAUSAGE
  • Sector 347 - Jan Altherr
  • Designing The Fleet - Limnull
  • Last Day on Triton - Aaron Schxfer
  • EXODUS - Gordon Saverimuthu
  • Entropy - Epicarmina
  • Growing Wild - Timo Letsch
  • Space Angels - Musicfonts
  • Into the Asteroid Field - Lynxi Ft. Umbria
  • Colossus On Fire - Dave Rodriguez
  • Timeless Space - Marcin Kłysewicz
  • Space Engineers Main Theme (EPIC COVER) - KhydroDjent
  • BONUS: Space Elevator - Gordon Saverimuthu

Heavy Industry Pack

Similar to our previous major releases, we hope you will take this opportunity to support the continued development of Space Engineers. This DLC pack consists of cosmetic items that enrich your game visually. None of the features in this package provide any advantage to players who purchase this DLC. 

The price of the Heavy Industry DLC is $3.99 USD or your regional equivalent. Show your continued support for Space Engineers and check out the Heavy Industry DLC.

This DLC package includes:

Large Magnetic Plate
A truly massive large grid magnetic plate (3x3x2), and a small grid version. Big enough to accommodate the largest jobs.

Beam Blocks
A collection of industrial-style beams for structural support and exterior decoration. The Industrial beam, 10 variants in both large and small grids.

Industrial Conveyor Pipes
A departure from the classic, angular conveyor design. The industrial conveyor pipe is provided in 7 variants for large grids which includes a new conveyor sorter. 

Cylindrical Column
A new column offered in both small and large variants, designed to reinforce your starbase, starship, or underground fortress.

Vertical Button Panel
Big, red, button. Space-saving design for industrial application; three buttons, vertically aligned.

Large Hydrogen Tank Reskin
Striking spherical design, high-pressure hydrogen storage tank.

Large Cargo Container Reskin
A new, rugged, industrial-style cargo container for all of your shipping and storage needs.

Industrial Refinery
A new, highly accessible version of the refinery.

Industrial Assembler
A new, highly accessible version of the assembler.

Industrial Hydrogen Thrusters
A community request now made a reality. The much-anticipated Hydrogen Thruster variant! Featuring 2 sizes for both large and small grid creations.

Hazard Pattern Armor Skin
Beware, Danger, Caution. A hazard skin for all of your industrial creations.

What’s next?

We plan to continue with the development of Space Engineers for both PC and Xbox platforms, so I’m sure there is a lot you can look forward to.  

Our “Major” releases for PC & Xbox are aligned so that all Engineers get all content, on the same day, regardless of platform. We will also continue our focus on further performance improvements and optimizations on both platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why are you releasing another DLC?
A: As with our previous DLCs, this release gives us the opportunity to explore new ideas and provide more unique content the community wants. This is another thematic-based DLC where all players will be able to interact with new blocks, but only those who own the DLC pack will be able to build them.

Q: Should we now expect that we will get a new DLC every three months?
A: Free and paid content releases support the continued development of Space Engineers, as well as bringing new things to the game. All paid DLCs are not pay-to-win, but rather cosmetic. We think this is the right way to bring interesting content to the game and keep the game improving. We bring a lot of free content to all players. This content is usually highly requested by our community.

Q: Can we expect some special promotions in the future?
A: We are always looking at new ways to bring Space Engineers to a wider audience. Special promotions are good opportunities for this. We have a number of exciting promotions planned for the future, which include both game and DLC content!


If you’re interested in working on awesome games like Space Engineers, we’d love to hear from you!
Check out the open positions at Keen Software House and don’t forget to send us your English CV/resume and cover letter.

Remote collaboration is possible!

Follow our social media to get the latest news!

If you want to let me know your feedback, please get in touch via my personal email address, or use our Keen Software House support site. I welcome all of the feedback we receive and we will use it to learn and provide better services to our players.


Thank you for reading this blog!


Marek Rosa
CEO, Creative Director, Founder at Keen Software House
CEO, CTO, Founder at GoodAI


For more news:
Space Engineers:
Keen Software House:
Medieval Engineers:
General AI Challenge:


Personal bio:
Marek Rosa is the CEO and CTO of GoodAI, a general artificial intelligence R&D company, and the CEO and founder of Keen Software House, an independent game development studio best known for its best-seller Space Engineers (4 million copies sold). Both companies are based in Prague, Czech Republic.

Marek has been interested in artificial intelligence since childhood. He started his career as a programmer but later transitioned to a leadership role. After the success of the Keen Software House titles, Marek was able to personally fund GoodAI, his new general AI research company building human-level artificial intelligence.

GoodAI was founded in January 2014, with a $10 Million investment from Marek, it now has over 30 research scientists, engineers, and consultants working across its divisions.

At this time, Marek is developing Space Engineers, as well as leading daily research and development on recursive self-improvement based general AI architecture - Badger.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Why am I doubtful about the future of Bitcoin?

1. People use Bitcoin as a speculative asset rather than as a means of payment. Bitcoin isn't used where it could be most beneficial: storing and communicating value across time and space.

2. Volatility. It could be solved if we all use Bitcoin and nothing else. I don't know how this can be achieved.

3. Energy consumption. I could close my eyes on this if Bitcoin delivered what it promises. If Bitcoin would revolutionize the way we think about the economy, then the benefits could outweigh the energy costs.

4. What kind of complex system do we want our economy to be? Static and fixed? Or dynamic and evolving - with ever-changing credit-assignment schemes? If we get stuck with a monetary system that can't be adapted and regulated, it could have a terrible outcome.

5. This one is sci-fi but relevant: can Bitcoin communicate value across unlimited time and space? Imagine a multi-species civilization spanning thousands of years and multiple solar systems.

6. I am not convinced that wealth preservation over unlimited time is beneficial for the progress of humanity. Perhaps we should reward those who create new value instead of hanging on to piles of gold/Bitcoin.

7. Maybe the future of money is a decentralized cryptocurrency, but I am not convinced it will be Bitcoin. What if people in the future decide not to use the current Bitcoin but to start a Bitcoin 2.0 with fewer flaws? One of the reasons could be to avoid rewarding today's Bitcoin early adopters and speculators. Why? You don’t want to reward those who just lucked out in your credit assignment scheme. I am not convinced that rentiersm is beneficial for the economy.

8. There are many more entities in the economy than just money. Each of them must be incentivized to use Bitcoin and not want to overthrow it.
“Gold will not always get you good soldiers, but good soldiers can get you gold.”
- Niccolo Machiavelli

Marek Rosa
CEO, Creative Director, Founder at Keen Software House
CEO, CTO, Founder at GoodAI

For more news:
Space Engineers:
Keen Software House:
Medieval Engineers:
General AI Challenge:

Personal bio:
Marek Rosa is the CEO and CTO of GoodAI, a general artificial intelligence R&D company, and the CEO and founder of Keen Software House, an independent game development studio best known for its best-seller Space Engineers (4 million copies sold). Both companies are based in Prague, Czech Republic.

Marek has been interested in artificial intelligence since childhood. He started his career as a programmer but later transitioned to a leadership role. After the success of the Keen Software House titles, Marek was able to personally fund GoodAI, his new general AI research company building human-level artificial intelligence.

GoodAI was founded in January 2014, with a $10 Million investment from Marek, it now has over 30 research scientists, engineers, and consultants working across its divisions.

At this time, Marek is developing Space Engineers, as well as leading daily research and development on recursive self-improvement based general AI architecture - Badger.


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Space Engineers - Warfare 1: Field Engineer


  • Infantry combat overhaul
  • Rocket launcher, new pistols and rifles, rework of existing rifles, and more
  • New PvP scenario: Uranium Heist
  • 15 new blocks: Target dummy, Passages, Half window and more
  • Emotes and Skin

Hello, Engineers!

The next Major (1.198) release for Space Engineers is upon us. Warfare 1: Field Engineer provides you with new choices in how you create and destroy. Field Engineers is the first installment in our all-new Warfare content! Warfare 1 doesn't just focus on the Engineer, it also includes new blocks to outfit your base, space station, or fortress. Prepare your defense or lay siege like never before.

Free Content

With this release we are expanding the number of blocks, adding new weapons, and introducing new gameplay features, and expanding your creative arsenal!

You can find a complete list of all free game content below. We are also offering you the opportunity to support the future development of Space Engineers by buying the Warfare 1: Field Engineer DLC, which includes even more thematic additions to Space Engineers!

Infantry combat overhaul
This update features an overhaul of the handheld weapons and infantry combat. A number of big changes went into making Space Engineers infantry combat more rewarding, consistent, and compelling.

Infantry combat improvements - Friendly/hostile indicators, hit indicators, and damage indicators have been added to improve combat awareness and battle feedback. 

New weapon mechanics - Our infantry weapons now feature recoil, muzzle climb, and reloading. 

Existing weapon rebalance - The existing rifles are now rebalanced to each fit a particular niche and have a distinctive feel. What's your rifle of choice?

Ammo rework - Small arms now use their own specific magazines and ammo, and need to be reloaded when empty.  

Magazines visual update - Rifles have new magazines that visually match their ammo capacity. More bullets? Bigger magazine!

Name changes - Rifles, pistols, and rocket launchers are all now named and described in a way that is consistent with the Space Engineers universe. 

S Series Pistol - 3 Variants
The S series standard issue sidearm. Built for use in hostile environments: Simple, reliable, dependable.Provided in three variants: Semi-auto (S-10), Full auto (S-20A), and Elite (S-10E). 

MR Series Rifle - 4 Variants
The MR series is a staple of both military and police forces. An exceptionally reliable rifle. Easy to use, easy to clean. Provided in four variants: The standard (MR-20), Marksman (MR-8P), Squad Support (MR-50A), and of course, the cutting edge MR-30E packed with all the latest tech, gadgets, and goodies. 

Rocket Launcher Weapon - 2 Variants
Looking for something that packs more of a punch? Basic and Precision launchers are the weapons of choice when faced with mechanized opposition.

Uranium Heist scenario
Gather your team and face off against two other teams of four and test your combat prowess in this action-packed close combat scenario. Gather the uranium, repair your escape pod, and fight for victory! 

Target Dummy Block
Target practice on your target dummy! The Target dummy is a block made of several destructible subparts. Main body, left arm, right arm, and head. 
The Target Dummy is a robotic target capable of triggering actions when hit by bullets. Low maintenance, the Target Dummy can self repair even after the most severe damage and will be ready for your next round of weapons testing or target practice!

New passage blocks
Two new passage blocks have been added to bring interior hallways up to a more modern visual standard. One can be used as a replacement for regular passage and the other is a  “wall-passage” designed for the creation of larger hallways.

Warfare 1: Field Engineer Pack

Similar to our previous major releases, we hope you will take this opportunity to support the continued development of Space Engineers. This DLC pack consists of cosmetic items that enrich your game visually. None of the features in this package provide any advantage to players who purchase this DLC.

The price of the Warfare 1: Field Engineer Pack is $3.99 USD or your regional equivalent. Show your continued support for Space Engineers and check out the Warfare 1: Field Engineer Pack.

This DLC package includes:

Fire Cover Block
Provides excellent cover while crouched behind it and provides a limited line of fire through the lower gaps. Comes in 2 different variations, both Normal and Corner. 

Half window Block
The half window is much like the cover wall with a viewing window above it. The block is air-tight and connects nicely with vanilla window blocks. Comes in 2 different variations, both Normal and Corner.

Weapon Rack Block
The weapons rack is an open locker that stores your armament inside. A home for your new arsenal. Keep it well-stocked, well guarded, and behind lock & key. Provided in small and large grid versions.

More Passage Blocks
Eight new passage blocks provide greater possibilities for interior design and provide an easy-to-navigate space. Designed in several new variations.

Embrasure Block
Having the dimensions of a half armor block, this block serves as a window for players to fire through while still maximizing cover from incoming fire. An ancient innovation now brought to the far future battlefield of Space Engineers.

Two new Emotes
“Got hit”: Oh no, they got me!
“Finger guns”: Fire off a few warning shots.

Assault Suit skin
The Assault Suit skin combines precision engineering, state of the art design, steel, and kevlar. The end result is a highly resistant, hermetically sealed, military exoskeleton. The Assault suit skin is designed for one purpose, war.

What's Next?

We plan to continue with the development of Space Engineers for both PC and Xbox platforms. As the title of today’s release hints, we plan to release Warfare 2 in the future, so I’m sure there is a lot you can look forward to.  

This is our second release where we have aligned the content between PC & Xbox, so that all Engineers get all content, on the same day, regardless of platform. We will also continue our focus on further performance improvements and optimizations on both platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why are you releasing another DLC?
A: As with our previous DLCs, this release gives us the opportunity to explore new ideas and provide more unique content the community wants. This is another thematic-based DLC where all players will be able to interact with new blocks, but only those who own the DLC pack will be able to build them.

Q: Should we now expect that we will get a new DLC every three months?

A: Free and paid content releases support the continued development of Space Engineers, as well as bringing new things to the game. All paid DLCs are not pay-to-win, but rather cosmetic. We think this is the right way to bring interesting content to the game and keep the game improving. We bring a lot of free content to all players. This content is usually highly requested by our community.

Q: Can we expect some special promotions in the future?

A: We are always looking at new ways to bring Space Engineers to a wider audience. Special promotions are good opportunities for this. We have a number of exciting promotions planned for the future, which include both game and DLC content!


If you’re interested in working on awesome games like Space Engineers, we’d love to hear from you! 
Check out the open positions at Keen Software House and don’t forget to send us your English CV/resume and cover letter.

Remote collaboration is possible!


Follow our social media to get the latest news!

If you want to let me know your feedback, please get in touch via my personal email address, or use our Keen Software House support site. I welcome all of the feedback we receive and we will use it to learn and provide better services to our players.

Thank you for reading this blog!

Marek Rosa
CEO, Creative Director, Founder at Keen Software House
CEO, CTO, Founder at GoodAI

For more news:
Space Engineers:
Keen Software House:
Medieval Engineers:
General AI Challenge:

Personal bio:
Marek Rosa is the CEO and CTO of GoodAI, a general artificial intelligence R&D company, and the CEO and founder of Keen Software House, an independent game development studio best known for its best-seller Space Engineers (4 million copies sold). Both companies are based in Prague, Czech Republic.

Marek has been interested in artificial intelligence since childhood. He started his career as a programmer but later transitioned to a leadership role. After the success of the Keen Software House titles, Marek was able to personally fund GoodAI, his new general AI research company building human-level artificial intelligence.

GoodAI was founded in January 2014, with a $10 Million investment from Marek, it now has over 30 research scientists, engineers, and consultants working across its divisions.

At this time, Marek is developing Space Engineers, as well as leading daily research and development on recursive self-improvement based general AI architecture - Badger.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Medieval Engineers in Robert De Niro movie

Keen Software House has made its Hollywood debut with Medieval Engineers in The War With Grandpa!

You can check out the trailer:

We are honored and humbled that one of our titles has made it into a movie!

Medieval Engineers was selected by the producers of “The War With Grandpa” because of its lifelike take on real-world physics, building, destruction, and structural integrity. This unique combination of features are core to the plotline and allowed Medieval Engineers to play a pivotal role when the grandpa (De Niro) wants to destroy Peter’s (Fegley) creation. Spoiler alert!

Peter loves to play Medieval Engineers as a creative outlet and a way to hang out with friends.

Returning to live with family, Peter’s Grandfather (De Niro) takes up residence in what was once Peter’s room, and Peter is forced to move into the, less than appealing, attic. Very upset over his move into the attic, Peter formally declares war on his Grandpa, seeking to retake his old bedroom by any means necessary!

Unfortunately for Peter, as this “war” escalates, his grandfather (Robert De Niro) realizes that Petes’s love of Medieval Engineers makes it a perfect target, and the destruction begins!


An All-Star Cast

The War with Grandpa features many well-known actors and we could not be more proud to see our game alongside this incredible and talented cast. ;)

This all-star cast includes the likes of Robert De Niro, Uma Thurman, Christopher Walken, Oaks Fegley, Laura Marano, Cheech Marin, Jane Seymour, and many more!

For a full list of cast and crew check out the Full Credits.

“The War with Grandpa”, is now available on Google Play and Amazon as well as other streaming services.

Hollywood Simulation!

Medieval Engineers became a well-known, and much-loved title for its physics and structural integrity system. These features allowed players to not only imagine sprawling worlds and innovative machinations but to realize those creations, all while adhering to the constraints of “real world” mechanics.  

At Keen Software House, we want to create games that are based on real science, real facts, real physics, and real emotions. No magic and fantasy allowed.

Our game Space Engineers for example, which has sold over 4 million copies, features a realistic, volumetric-based physics engine. Space Engineers is a sandbox game about engineering, construction, and maintenance of space works. Players build spaceships and space stations of various sizes and utilization (civil and military), pilot ships, and perform asteroid mining.

GoodAI, which I started in 2014 with a personal investment of $10M also uses Space Engineers in experiments for the new VeriDream project, testing possible applications of artificial intelligence, robotics, and more. GoodAI’s mission is to “develop safe general AI, to help humanity and understand the universe.”

Our games promote science and encourage creativity. We want to help foster an interest in history, physics, space exploration, and all STEM fields. Our hope is that players will learn new things while playing our games.

We feel honored to share such a big stage and hope that it serves as a platform for games like Medieval Engineers. Not only is Science & Engineering engaging and fun, but it’s worthy of the big screen!


If you’re interested in working on awesome games like Space Engineers, we’d love to hear from you!
Check out the open positions at Keen Software House or open positions at GoodAI and don’t forget to send us your English CV/resume and cover letter.

Remote collaboration is possible!

If you want to let me know your feedback, please get in touch via my personal email address, or use our Keen Software House support site. I welcome all of the feedback we receive and we will use it to learn and provide better services to our players.



Thank you for reading this blog!

Marek Rosa
CEO, Creative Director, Founder at Keen Software House
CEO, CTO, Founder at GoodAI

For more news:
Space Engineers:
Keen Software House:
Medieval Engineers:
General AI Challenge:

Personal bio:
Marek Rosa is the CEO and CTO of GoodAI, a general artificial intelligence R&D company, and the CEO and founder of Keen Software House, an independent game development studio best known for its best-seller Space Engineers (4 million copies sold). Both companies are based in Prague, Czech Republic.

Marek has been interested in artificial intelligence since childhood. He started his career as a programmer but later transitioned to a leadership role. After the success of the Keen Software House titles, Marek was able to personally fund GoodAI, his new general AI research company building human-level artificial intelligence.

GoodAI was founded in January 2014, with a $10 Million investment from Marek, it now has over 30 research scientists, engineers, and consultants working across its divisions.

At this time, Marek is developing Space Engineers, as well as leading daily research and development on recursive self-improvement based general AI architecture - Badger.